Healthy Families Massachusetts

MLPB in a Childhood Home Visiting Program

About Our Partner

Healthy Families Massachusetts is a home-based family support and coaching program that supports young, first-time parents and helps them create stable, nurturing environments for their children.

A program of the Children’s Trust, Healthy Families matches young parents with trained professionals who visit families’ homes to provide support during pregnancy through the child’s first three years of life. Home visitors teach parents about proper baby care, promote nurturing and attachment, practice effective parenting skills, and ensure parents have a solid understanding of healthy child development. They also counsel parents on achieving personal goals such as continuing education and advanced employment.

What We Do

MLPB has supported Healthy Families since 2015 through robust training, consultation, and technical assistance for its family support workforce, who understand the complex relationships between barriers to concrete support, health-related social needs, and families’ legal rights, risks, and remedies.

Healthy Families 24+ sites across Massachusetts can access MLPB’s Unlocking Access resources in the form of training, rapid-response consultation, and regular office hours. Several Healthy Families sites – identified jointly based on a range of readiness criteria – also regularly embed an MLPB team member within their case review meetings to provide real-time information and insight.

Unlock Access for Your Team

MLPB is honored and energized to partner with communities of care who understand that human-centered care planning and high-quality delivery of social care must systematically account for people’s legal rights, risks, and remedies.